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Guía de campo para aprendices de FGASA (NQF2)

Field Guide

     guías de safari

Embárcate en una aventura extraordinaria liderada por nuestros experimentados guías de safari, quienes no solo cuentan con una amplia experiencia, sino también con una apasionada devoción por la vida silvestre.

A la cabeza de nuestro equipo se encuentra Robert, un guía de safari profesional certificado que ostenta el prestigioso certificado FGASA Apprentice Field Guide (NQF2). Con habilidades multilingües en español, catalán, inglés, italiano y portugués, Robert garantiza que el idioma nunca sea una barrera, haciendo que tu experiencia de safari sea emocionante y cómodamente accesible.

Nuestros guías van más allá de ser simples expertos; son entusiastas dedicados a la vida silvestre comprometidos a proporcionarte un viaje inmersivo e iluminador a través del Parque Nacional Gorongosa y el Parque Nacional Zinave en Mozambique, así como del Parque Nacional Kruger y la Reserva Pridelands en Sudáfrica. La experiencia de Robert va más allá de las tecnicidades de la guía de safari; posee una comprensión profunda del comportamiento animal, asegurando que cada encuentro sea respetuoso y esté en armonía con el ritmo natural de la vida salvaje.

Cuando eliges nuestra experiencia de safari, no estás simplemente optando por un recorrido guiado; estás confiando tu aventura a individuos que han forjado una reputación por ofrecer avistamientos excepcionales y oportunidades de fotografía paciente.

Con cuidado y un enfoque reflexivo hacia cada huésped individual, nuestros guías se han vuelto sinónimo de brindar momentos inolvidables sin perturbar los comportamientos naturales de los animales.

Únete a nosotros para un safari inolvidable donde puedes confiar en la experiencia y la pasión genuina de nuestros guías, asegurando que cada momento esté cuidadosamente creado con una profunda apreciación por las maravillas de la naturaleza.

pick up & transfers
open/ closed vehicle
personal guide
your language


The Park is undoubtedly one of the world’s greatest game experiences. Over the past few years, reunification efforts have been successfully executed; removing dividing fences that once separate the land, and animal movements, between adjoining reserves and national park territory. This unhindered landscape now offers increased game visibility and fosters more natural migratory movements, benefiting the health and vitality of game, and landscape, for even better viewing experiences.


This international transfrontier park now shares seamless borders with Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa forming over 20,000 square km of uninterrupted African wilderness. A stunning home to the big 5 with the full range of Africa’s famous carnivores, 

Kruger inhabits 18 species of antelope, 110 species of reptiles, 35 amphibians as well as 500+ birds and a myriad of insects.



Most wild animals are active at dawn and dusk, so to see them we’ll have to be too. Expect early starts to your days (seasonal dependent, from 4:30 to 6am) softened by a hearty breakfast pleasantly prepared by your guide.


We’ll spend about 4-hours searching for wildlife, followed by 1 hour lunch break at a rest camp (restaurants on-site) before we end the day with another 4-hour excursions through Kruger. When we see something, we always positions the vehicle with camera angles in mind and also cut the engine to more fully enjoy the animals in as natural a setting as possible.


Remember, our guides are there at every step, ensuring your trip in an exciting, comfortable, and once-in-a-lifetime experience worthy of reminiscing.


To get the most out of your Kruger safari tour, each evening you’ll experience a new rest camp as we traverse the Park’s southerly reaches, going as far north as the Shingwedzi River. This affords our clients the opportunity to witness a larger breadth of the park’s vast landscapes and game.


After a full day of driving filled with excitement, you’ll need a quality place to unwind and rest and we offer splendid accommodation options scattered throughout the Park. Each establishment is a highly provisioned luxurious experience, nestled into the natural surroundings and positioned for optimum wildlife sightings. Your party will stay in high-end bungalow or family chalets, depending on group’s size, and enjoy lunch and evening meals at the camp’s well stocked dining facilities.


We’ll spend our time focused in the South of the Park, where most animals congregate, so our camp options could include any of the following sites: Berg en Dal, Pretoriuskop, Skukuza, Lower Sabie, Satara.

Occasionally, due to client flights and strictly enforced park access times, our first evening will be spent at a game lodge just outside the entrance, however, where feasible we’ll spend all three evenings getting lost, figuratively not literally, in Africa’s wild beauty.

Berg en Dal
Safari Lodging2.JPG


You’ll be logging in fair amount of road time, so having a comfortable and reliable 4x4 vehicle is crucial to a safe and enjoyable journey. Our specifically designed and remodeled safari vehicle is always professionally maintained, undergoing rigorous pre and post-trip inspection, giving us confidence, each journey will be a safe and pleasurable ride.


With access to a fleet of game-viewing quality CAR NAME, we never have issues accommodating our group’s various overland needs as well as providing unique, with windows particularly designed for, photographing opportunities during your safari or on the transfers within.


A list of the recommended material to bring for a land safari: Please note, early hours experience low temperatures.


  • Proper clothing and comfortable shoes (in case of walking safari)

  • Binoculars

  • Camera

  • Flashlight

  • Cash (South African Rands, US Dollar)

  • South African adaptors (can be purchased in Kruger) to charge batteries

  • Mosquito prophylaxis

  • Sun Block (cream, sunglasses, hats..)

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Buffalo, Cheetah, Elephant, Leopard, Lion, Black and White Rhino, Wild Dog, Hippo, Vervet Monkey, Baboon, Zebra, Hyena, various Antelopes (Impala, Kudu, Nyala, Waterbuck, Black Sable, Roan, Tsessebe, Hartebeest, Bushbuck, Duiker, Grysbok, Klipspringer, Steenbok, Eland), Bird (Pel’s Fishing-Owl, Lilac-breasted Roller, Lappet-faced Vulture, Southern Carmine Bee-eater, Martial Eagle).

Following the initiative of a previous group, we encourage each of you to reserve 1kg of your luggage for donation material (clothes, books, school supplies, sports equipment, medicines). It's not mandatory! But it is very satisfying to go to a local village one day and donate it to the people.

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